Zilong Liu


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Ph.D. Researcher

Email: zilong.liu@univie.ac.at

My motivation stems from how humans and machines understand (e.g., perceive) and impact (e.g., construct) the world. Currently, I am a University Assistant (predoc) working at Vienna International School of Earth and Space Sciences on Knowledge Graph-based GeoEnrichment for Environmental Intelligence. I am also a member of the Spatial-Temporal Knowledge Observatory. Before, I was a research associate of Center for Spatial Studies at UC Santa Barbara from 2020 to 2022.

Now I am a Ph.D. student affiliated with the working group of Spatial Data Science and Geocommunication at the Department of Geography and Regional Research in University of Vienna. Advised by Prof. Krzysztof Janowicz, I am studying geographic diversity in knowledge representation and representation learning.


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